The DCH Foundation

Online General Donations

Your Donation Counts

As the system faces ever-increasing financial challenges from reimbursement, regulatory, and policy changes, the Foundation’s work becomes more critical. Every $100 donated to the system provides revenue for improvements that, if generated through clinical services, would require the system to provide $4,000 worth of services. This makes philanthropy a critical factor in the system’s ability to realize its vision: to be the best health system in the nation for patients to receive care, employees and volunteers to work and physicians to practice medicine.

Your Support

You can choose a recurring donation to be perpetual, or end after a specific number of payments.

Your Amount

Benjamin Ladner Nursing Excellence Scholarship Fund
Breast Cancer Fund
DCH Family Fund
DCH Patient Impact Grants Fund
DCH Scholarships Fund
Fast Forward Fund
Finn & Quinley Infant & Children's Fund
Harold & Homer McAbee Fund
Harry W. & Lee T. King Memorial Fund
Heart Fund
Help & Hope Fund
Kay Dodson Dockery Scholarship
Pettus Randall Pastoral Care Program Fund
Sports Medicine Fund
Unrestricted (03) Fund


Security is of paramount importance to us. Your payment information is processed securely via Level 1 PCI DSS Compliant Service Provider.


Additional Information

If this is a tribute gift, such as a gift in honor or memory of someone, please select Yes to provide details
1110 Dr. Edward Hillard Dr, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, United States